What is Spinal Decompression?

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Dr. Alex Eingorn at Better Health Chiropractic treats patients who have acute and chronic back pain, which is often caused by having a compressed spine. In this video Dr. Eingorn talks about spinal decompression.

Q: What is spinal decompression?

A: Spinal decompression is another technique that we use to address things like herniated discs, bulging discs, spinal stenosis or well known foraminal stenosis if you will. A lot of times what we see in patients, they come up with problems as a result of spinal compression because we’re all weight bearing, we lift, we sit, we bend and eventually the spine may get compressed. Spinal decompression is using very specific technology to decompress the disc and give them some more space and give the space to the nerves so the spine can heal.

That’s just another modality that we use for particular problems of the spine. Symptoms of spinal compression may be numerous. It could be just muscle ache, it could be muscle spasm, it could be just pain, it could be numbness, it could be tingling, it could be limited range of motion and sometimes it could result in actual disability. Treating spinal compression with chiropractic care will vary based on the degree of compression and the nature of the compression. Quite often we can address the spinal compression through just manual manipulation or manual traction or decompression and exercise.

Sometimes it will require more advanced technology such as spinal decompression machines and et cetera. Spinal compression can happen as the result of an injury, like a fall or a car accident or lifting something very very heavy. It could also happen as the result of something habitual that we do. Carrying heavy things all the time or carrying things on one shoulder for prolonged periods of time or actually sitting for prolonged periods of time, especially if you’re sitting with that posture. Over time, the spine will tend to compress and eventually the body can no longer accommodate for that and that’s when the symptoms start.

Q: What causes spinal compression?

A: Spinal compression can happen as a result of an injury like a fall or a car accident or lifting something very heavy. It could also happen as a result of something habitual that we do, carrying heavy things all the time or carrying things on one shoulder for prolonged periods of time or actually sitting for prolonged periods of time especially if you’re sitting with bad posture. Over time the spine will tend to compress and eventually the body can no longer accommodate for that and that’s when the symptoms start.

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Chiropractic Adjustment New York NY – Spinal Decompression NYC

Treating Spinal Compression with Chiropractic Care

Learn more about Dr. Eingorn and his chiropractic adjustments for spine compression at Better Health Chiropractic by visiting the website or by calling the office to schedule an appointment. Call 212-956-5920.

Spinal Decompression New York NY